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Years ago we got into a financial rot and the more we saved, the more we got deeper into the rot. Then we began to pray and search for information about our problem, till we got a clear understanding of the place of stretching forth in helping others achieve their

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I have watched and listened to many couples complain about lack of respect from their spouse, but when given the opportunity to dig deeper; we usually realize that the problem is a lack of self-respect for oneself which extends to how others (especially close) associates treat us. What is self-respect?

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Examine yourself

Examine Yourself

Have you examined yourself? Few days ago I was in the banking hall, and a customer was demanding for his money. Unfortunately the banks were not paying. He got so upset that he literally poured a drink on the counter and splashed it on us all. I was so furious

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KMAI Copreneurship

Pros and Cons of Copreneurship

Have you seen or heard people frown when one introduces themselves as Copreneurs? It literally seems as if one comes from another planet and lacks wisdom. Today, I would like to demystify the vibes around it and hopefully, you will be educated on the pros and cons of Copreneurship.  

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Many marriages are like Nigeria.

Have you ever heard of Nigeria, or are you a citizen? Then you know that a lot of great prophecies have been spoken about Nigeria; yet it seems like those promises, potentials and prophecies are far fetched. This is how many marriages are too. They’re in love, full of potential,

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Failing Forward !

Few days ago, we took this picture as we were being interviewed by Covenant Marriages. We were called to share our failings and how we learnt to move forward. We talked about our struggle with infidelity and our divorce saga. As we shared, I wondered how we survived it. I

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Sentiments or sentimental

Sentiments or sentimental?

Ngee says… Recently I received a call that shook my very being. A decision that was made was costing a couple their health, which may lead to setbacks on agreed goals for the year. Oh, how they regretted their decision! Rich says… We must distinguish what is most important in

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Ngee says… My siblings have always believed that I was Dad’s favourite; but till date, I never understood why. For when you are someone’s favourite, it should come with certain privileges. This got me pondering about the possibility of being God’s favourite and all the difference it makes. When someone

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