I participated in Fela Durotoye’s 2 days virtual couples hangout and one word that resonated with me was Omoni Oboli’s parting shot – “stick to it, even if you no longer feel the love. After a while, sometimes years, you will find yourself in love again”.

This resonated so much with me because hubby and I got married without loving one another (I still can’t believe the risk we took). But daily we made a pledge/commitment to show up for one another, irrespective of how we felt. Approximately 17 years have gone by and that singular decision to daily show up for one another irrespective of how we feel has made all the difference. We have become great friends, each other’s support system and to crown it all, God showed us great mercy, for we found love with one another.

I especially, am forever grateful for the decision to show up no matter how I felt. For I had been in love before and felt that I will not be able to love again. Yet our daily commitment has birthed something worth celebrating and emulating.

So dear friend, how is your marriage doing? Do you feel like giving up? Have you been hurt so much that giving up seems the only way forward?

Maybe it’s time to look at God’s word – But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62 NLT) and make a commitment to show up.


If there is emotional and physical abuse, please do reach out for professional help. It is still part of the showing up!”

See you on the side of VICTORY!

Ngee (Mrs. Ngozi Okonkwo)
Relationship Coach/Habit Instructor
Founder Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative.
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