Hi we are back, it’s a new year and we believe that the best place to start is from the place of love.

Today we are discussing when love fails. Most of you will be arguing right now that real love doesn’t fail, I beg to differ a bit. Love as defined by Merriam Webster dictionary -a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person.

-This kind of love quits when things around are no more in it’s favour.

-This kind of love counts all the good it has done and judges it with the other party. Of course the other party will always come up short!

Truth be told nobody can love us as perfectly as we want to be loved. We can say that ‘Love fails’ when our expectations are not met.

If our spouse, parents or loved ones fail to meet our expectations, we usually say that they don’t love us anymore or that love has failed.

But today I would like us to look at it differently by identifying the qualities of love by using the greatest standard of love we know:

-For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life(John 3:16)-

1) Love is a giving word not a receiving word.

2) Love meets the need of the one he loves with humility.

3) Love forgives

4) Love has rules/boundaries.

I remember few years ago when I was praying and counting all I had done for my husband; I literally heard -“stop counting all that you do for your husband, that’s not love”.

Today I want you to make a New Year resolution to love God’s way:

-by not giving up on one another because of our imperfections (aren’t we all imperfect?).

-stop taking love for granted because love is a priceless gift very few people enjoy.


Count your blessings- by listing at least one need your spouse, parents or loved one met in the last 3months.

Then send a thank you text/note appreciating them.



Ngee & Rich       

Founders of Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 (CEB).