I went to the tailor to sow a dress I needed to wear urgently. The material wasn’t enough for the pattern and the tailor bought another material to join to the one I brought.

As I watched the tailor, he began to cut the materials into different sizes and some edges he cut them off totally.

Then I watched in amazement as he began to join them together and by the time he was done, the dress was perfectly ‘ONE’. Every part fitted with one another…

I began to reflect on marriage using the tailor’s steps:-

  1. Material – The material on its own wasn’t enough for the design it was meant for, so the tailor added another material to it.
    The material in this case is you and I, we are designed for something great and we can’t achieve it alone; so God devised a platform/plan called marriage.
  1. Tailor – the tailor is God, He sees the design or end result of what He wants us to be. He pairs two different individuals for a purpose and begins to cut off edges that don’t fit using painful and uncomfortable circumstances/situations in our lives. His intent, His goal is that we may arrive at the expected goal/design/end result.
  1. The Finished Dress – is the coming together of husband and wife, after going through different and difficult challenges, they both begin to understand that the trials and challenges were not meant to tear them apart rather it’s God’s way of forming them into ONE.

The beauty of ‘The Finished Dress’ is the way it fits perfectly together.

This is totally true in marriage. The beauty in Marriage is when a couple begin to understand the power of Teamwork – COMPLEMENTING EACH OTHER continuously until they are “MARRIED TO FIT”.

Our question to you today is –

Are you married to fit?

  • To fit and help each other become the best you can be.
  • To fit and become a heaven here on earth for your children, families and community. So once again we ask – are you married to fit?


Ngee & Rich       

Founders of Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 (CEB).