Ngee says

On a school day, few weeks ago, as the children were about leaving for school. Our daughter came into our (I and husband) room and helped me and these are her very words. “Daddy is the head and you are the heartbeat of this home. We the children are the arms, legs and so much more”. She hugged me and ran off to meet her siblings who were already waiting for her. I took few minutes to ponder on what she said. First thing I realised is that we, role model marriage to our children daily and to the society at large. Second thing is her interpretation of marriage was very new to me but was an eye opener to me; of the extent we have influenced our children.

I decided to understand the relationship between the head and the heart and how it affects the function of the other parts of the body.

Husband – Head – The ability to think through things. The Head is comprised of the brain: it sends message to other parts of the body.  When the brain stops working – voluntary and reflex actions comes to a stop.

Rich says

The beauty of synergy in a home is brought to its full effect by each of us knowing our unique roles, carrying them out, allowing our spouse play their own roles and encouraging each other all the way.

Are you applying the power of synergy in your marriage?

Wife – Heart –  the ability to keep the atmosphere of the home at the right temperature. The heart deals with the blood – blood is life, it fights diseases and anything that will hinder the body from functioning on optimum level. The heart allows the blood to come back refresh, remove what is not needed and continue sustaining the flow of blood (life) in the body (marriage).

Children – the arms, legs and the other parts of the body. For these other parts to function in their various and unique abilities, they need the brain to send the right messages at all times and the heart needs to always refresh the blood by always receiving, giving out (oxygen) and in some cases fighting and protecting what the body needs.

I then realised that without the brain (husband) functioning properly the body (marriage + children) are unable to move and grow. While without the heart (wife) functioning properly, the body (marriage and children) will not be strong enough to weather the storms of life.

But the most unique of this is that they can work independently but together the body becomes ALIVE.


1.      Ask your children to describe your marriage and how they understand the role of mum and dad.

2.      If your children were to live their marriage as you are living yours, would you be happy?



Ngee & Rich       

Founders of Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 (CEB).