I was driving the other day hurrying to meet a scheduled appointment and drove past a friend I have desired to see for a long-time. She stopped and as I tried to stop and come out of the car- a question arose inside of me, how will my stopping to gist with my friend help me in meeting my already scheduled appointment? So I just waved later and drove off.

So many of us are like me, attempting to stop and make decisions because of circumstances, people, financial constraint etc without considering the scheduled appointment.

To understand this let me use an analogy from the story

1.     Driving – Life

2.     My friend – Circumstances of life, financial constraints, friends etc.

3.     Scheduled appointment – death or after life

If we understand that life is a journey and our scheduled appointment is death or after life; we would deliberately choose to make better decisions on what, whom or how we spend our time, because the truth about this scheduled appointment is that we are not in control of the time or date.

Last week we buried my aunt (my mum’s sister) and the husband of a lady I love dearly.The question that keeps ringing in my head is – if they were conscious of their scheduled appointment (death/after life), what would they have done differently.

I’m throwing the same question to you my dear; what will you do differently from now on, bearing in mind that “life is a journey and the destination is a scheduled appointment (death/afterlife) that is beyond control”

I’ve been in near death situations at least 3 times in my young life and I have come to understand  that to live is simply => GIVING ATTENTION TO WHAT IS NEEDFUL.

  • How do we give attention to what is needful?

ANSWER – By being accountable with the time we have

  • How can one be accountable with the time we’ve been given?

ANSWER – By setting daily tangible goals that affect All areas of life.

I personally call them my 5 pointer list. Why pointer? It shows me the direction my life is heading towards.

An example of what my daily 5 pointer list looks like on a busy day

1.     Spiritual – 2 hours with God (praying)

2.     Family – My spouse 30mins to 1 hour alone

Our children – 30mins after homework and house work.

3.     Workspace – a) meeting  b) projects   c) programme

4.     Who needs my help /prayer today Lord?

5.     What did I learn today (reflections) 15mins – 1 hour

No time location for workspace because naturally 7 – 8 hours daily is my work-time.

What does your 5 pointer look like?



Ngee & Rich       

Founders of Keeping Marriage Alive Initiative

“Will two people walk together unless they have agreed to do so?” Amos 3:3 (CEB).